List of "Peaceful" Triggers?


New Member
Hi guys, I keep reading to get "less aggressive" or "more peaceful" species of triggers if they are going into a tank with any other fish. However, there never seems to be a definitive list or ranking for them by aggression. My books show that the Rhinecanthus genus are less aggressive then most and good for fish only tanks without destroying it's other tank members, but I also keep reading posts on how Picasso's are dangerous with anything else. How about helping a guy new to predator tanks out with a list of aggression levels, including the genus I am interested in: Rhinecanthus? Thanks all!


Active Member
I once saw an "Aggression Scale" for Triggers based on a 1-5 scale with one being the least....The 1's were the Sargassum, and Bluethroat, those are the only ones I can remember being 1's, the 2's were Crosshatch, Pinktail, Hawaiian Black....3's were Niger, Huma, Starry, Rectangle...4's Clown, Bursa...5's Blueline, Undy, Queen, and so on.


Active Member
I think I saw that before too , But cant remember where .I cant speak for pink tails hawians or the like but I can give my take on the ones I have had .The niger is pretty peacfull never saw mine go after other fish , Just after hermits fiddlers and emerald crabs . Picaso are not the nastiest of triggers but they are still fiesty . Bursas are definatly mean . It was the only fish I had that would go tooth to tooth with my undulated . I have never kept a clown but I have never herd of anybody keeping one that it wasnt a total A hole . Queens titans and such are out of my relem of being able to house long term so I would never get one .


New Member
Thanks guys! So Given a sufficiently large tank, is there a trigger along the same size that might Co-exist with a Picasso? I was considering a Rectangle or Bursa in with a Picasso. Both going in small and at the same time of course...
I am a little hesitant about giving a Picasso a midnight snack of another nice trigger


Active Member
Originally Posted by BaserRonin
Thanks guys! So Given a sufficiently large tank, is there a trigger along the same size that might Co-exist with a Picasso? I was considering a Rectangle or Bursa in with a Picasso. Both going in small and at the same time of course...
I am a little hesitant about giving a Picasso a midnight snack of another nice trigger
My Niger and Huma coexited nicely for several years, I think you are fine doing 2 Rhinecanthus trigs together too provided an appropriate size tank. Bursa tend to be a little more aggressive. I really like Assasi as well as Huma and Rectangle Huma. If you can, add them at the same time and do similar size.


New Member
I had not considered an Assasi with a Picasso. I have heard them called Arabian Picasso and guess I thought they were the same species...silly me. That would make for an excelent tank I think. Thanks guys!
Are the Assasi and Picasso's temperment much different? It is possible I may set up a smaller tank for just one of them. If this happens which do you think would be the more entertaining to watch?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BaserRonin
Thanks guys! So Given a sufficiently large tank, is there a trigger along the same size that might Co-exist with a Picasso? I was considering a Rectangle or Bursa in with a Picasso. Both going in small and at the same time of course...
I am a little hesitant about giving a Picasso a midnight snack of another nice trigger

I would not add a bursa . They tend to be aggresive , I personally wouldn't add two triggers that look similar . reasons being that only a fish person will realize its a different fish . Two they will be more likely to fight for teritory later on .


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I once saw an "Aggression Scale" for Triggers based on a 1-5 scale with one being the least....The 1's were the Sargassum, and Bluethroat, those are the only ones I can remember being 1's, the 2's were Crosshatch, Pinktail, Hawaiian Black....3's were Niger, Huma, Starry, Rectangle...4's Clown, Bursa...5's Blueline, Undy, Queen, and so on.
my black hawiian 6"kicked my undy 5" out of his home, so would not agree with that.the black is one of my most aggressive feeders.well they all are agressive feeders lol


New Member
Thanks guys. After talking to the LFS guy and reading on here it looks like I will set up the 90 for 1 Humu Humu instead of trying to put 2 Triggers in a large(r) tank. I appreciate the input!


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
my black hawiian 6"kicked my undy 5" out of his home, so would not agree with that.the black is one of my most aggressive feeders.well they all are agressive feeders lol
Slack, in case you haven't figured it out, nobody on this site cares what you think about anything


Active Member
I know I sound like a broken record; but, when it comes to most triggers, the level of aggression depends on the individual fish and how it reacts to its environment. Some species are more aggressive than others, but (IMO) all triggers can be considered aggressive fish. Maybe the bluethroat (blue-jaw) is a bit less aggressive and some clown trigger can go for years, then kill everything in the tank. But, bottom line, triggers are triggers. I personally like aggressive triggers and think the same traits that make them aggressive also make them become very tame.I plan their tankmates with fish that can handle themselves. It would be a rare trigger, of any species, that wouldn't eventually figure out how shy & "wussy" a copperband butterfly is and take advantage of the fact. Again, not always, but that's the nature of the beast.
BTW, I think I'll follow Crash's advice.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Slack, in case you haven't figured it out, nobody on this site cares what you think about anything

lol !!you triin to hurt my feelins?you are wrong u can mix all triggs! just goes to show how little you no.ALL 22 OF MY FISH ARE DOIN FINE


I would place a niger at a 2 nearly. I have one that is 8" and loves to have the cleaner shrimp crawl all over him and doesn't act aggressively towards him. He won't even eat silversides or whole meaty products, I have to mix it up to fool him into it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sc0rp_XIII
I would place a niger at a 2 nearly. I have one that is 8" and loves to have the cleaner shrimp crawl all over him and doesn't act aggressively towards him. He won't even eat silversides or whole meaty products, I have to mix it up to fool him into it.

Nigers and Humas seem to be a bit of a wildcard, my niger was much more aggressive than my Huma, the Niger wrestled with the Maroon and Lunare on a daily basis, and in 5+ years my Huma never once chased another fish that I saw. Yet I have heard of a lot of very nasty Humas, and passive Nigers like yours....It's like SrFisher17 says "its on an individual basis with Triggers"