List of reef supplements to add...


I'm now beginning to add the following supplements to my 125-gallon reef tank on a regular, systematic basis for both the corals, fish, and inverts:
SeaChem Reef Complete (Raises Calcium) -- 2/week
Coral-Vite (Kent) -- 1/week
SeaChem Reef Plus -- 2/week
Tech-I Iodine (Kent) -- 1/week
Strontium & Molybdenum (Kent) -- 1/week
Superbuffer dKH (Kent) -- 1/week
Zoe Marine Vitamins (Kent) -- 2/week
Marine-C Vitamins (Kent) -- 1/week
Immune Vital Marine (Marc Weiss) -- 1/week
Cycle -- 1/week
I'm also soaking the fish food in garlic and feeding the corals regularly with target filter food.
How does that list look? Am I missing anything or do I have it all covered?... So far everything is doing well...
Thanks for your input / advice!

bang guy

My suggestions:
Only dose supplements that you can and do accurately test for. This requires you to know the ingredients....
Know the desired level for the additive, preferably NSW levels.
Have a good thought out reason for dosing any additive.
Research the additive to ensure it actually solves the targeted problem and doesn't have side effects worse than the problem.


I only use B-ionic and kalwasser for Ca and Alk. As far as other suplements, stronium and molybdenum, and iodine are the only other ones I add. As for food; DTs phytoplanton and mysis shrimp every other day.


Active Member
wow that's a lot of supplements.
Here's the thing ....
What if your tank does not need the amounts you are dosing ?
What happens to the excess over time ?
What are you testing for and how often do you do water changes ?
I know this is answering a question with a question - but I try to avoid too many supplements.
In my opinion, it's like people taking mega-doses of vitamins & minerals. The body can only use so much, and the liver cleans out the bloodstream of the excess.
Most of the vitamins are eliminated from the body.
Problem is - my tank does not have a liver.
It's your choice as usual - but I'd hesitate to add so many different additives, too often, to any of my tanks.


I'm adding these supplements at about 3/4 to 1/2 the recommended doses (especially the vitamins)...
Which ones would you eliminate?
I test regularly for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, pH, calcium, and alkalinity.
Any other advice?


before you add anything can i suggest you read this article.
In most aquariums all that is needed is frequent water exchanges w/ new good SW. Thats it. If you have hard corals you might want to consider a Ca supplement.
There is some concern that all these trace elements are going to be a problem once they accumulate.
Please read the article and make your own decision


An excellent article!... I scanned it now, but I'll read it in-depth for sure later. I think I'll eliminate some of those supplements...


I disagree with water changes, but that doesn't change my position on this topic. I think you add way to many supplements right now. I feel that water changes throw things off too much, well at least in my 20 where things are affected a litle easier by changes in water, even a 2 gal change upset my corals. I figure why bother them if they are doing good. And Broomer, If you consider crazy algae growth to be an export for excess nutrients and minerals, then yes, in a weird way are tank do have a liver. :)


I would definately agree with water changes in a tank over 40 gallons. I typically do a 5% water change every other week. As far as supplements i add buffer and CaCl2. I occasionally will dose with trace elements and usually add phytoplankton twice weekly. I think probably most important of all the above is the water changes.....


I am going to ask why you think water changes are so impotant and I can almost forsee the remove excess nutrients and replace trace elements. If you have an established tank and the right setup then there is no need to export excess nutrients, and as far as trace elements I a 1 supplement that takes care of all that. THat way it doesn't throw everything out of wack, but in the end..."to each their own"


Anthem, I doubt that I am doing the water change wrong. On the 55 I do water changes, on the 20 I don't. I have done only 2 water changes on the 20 since it has been setup and there was no difference in the tank. You are right....dillution is the solution, but it also brings the bad with the good. It removes nitrates, which I don't have anyways, but it also removes calcium and throws the pH and alk. Why should I reduce the Ca levels that I worked so hard to ascertain. I know this is a highly debaed topic I just want more then the common reason to do water changes. I have enough LR to take care of the trates and some macros to take care of the rest. So I'm just saying for that tank I don't need to do them. Maybe in the future when the trates build up then I would be forced to do them.


New Member
I partially agree with blondenaso1. I haven't done a water change in my 48 for almost 3 months now, and I have no problems at all. Some of my animals are even breeding. I've also removed my skimmer because it stayed clear for over 3 weeks. My skimmer has been out for 3 weeks now and my water is still perfect. I just rerean all my tests yesterday, and everything comes out right on the money.
Just my 2 cents worth...


We need to remember that each tank is very different. If blondenaso doesnt do water changes on his 20 and everything is working great then hats off to him. His tank is one of the exceptions to the rule. Most of us do regular water changes like our lifes depend on it and will never change. But most of us have never actually tried to go with out water changes to see what will happen and never will. I am one of them, water changes work for me, if they are needed for my tank I will never know because if it works dont fix it.


Good discussion on water changes.... Each to their own, but I'm going to continue doing them regularly...
Anthem / Ed -- I would appreciate your expertise on what supplements are good to add on a regular basis. What do you add to your reef tanks?...
Anyone else have a list of supplements they add successfully?


Active Member
I don't keep sps, clams or many hard corals ( yet ) so I keep my calcium around 380-400 ppm. Sometimes I've raised it to 420ppm.
Alkalinity at or near 10 dKH
pH near 8.2-8.3
I've used ESV B-Ionics, as well as Seachem products for these levels.
Kent Marine Iodine - 10 drops each weekend / 75 gallon / light softies/shrooms.
I've tried Coral Vital, Coral Vite, and a few other "all-in-one" additives. Did not notice anything that would make me want to continue using them.
Water changes 15-20% every 4-6 weeks.