List of Species HIGHLY prone to ick


Hi! I was curious, based on your experience (mine's not long...just only 7 months), could youshare with me which species of fish are really HIGHLY prone to ick?
From my experience,
the blue tang is definite an ick magnet.
Any other species I may know that is very, very susceptible to ick so that I can try an avoid them in future for the safety of the rest of my current tank inhabitants?
Is PURPLE TANG highly prone to ick? I love this fish and would like to keep this beautiful fish one day.


Active Member
powder blues are very ich prone, although mine has been fine and hippo's are ich prone....these are just more ich prone than the other tangs, but all tangs are ich prone.


all surgeonfish (tangs) are very susceptible to marine ich. If you have excellent water quality ,all properly quarantined/healthy fish, and you stocking ratio doesnt get out of hand, you should have nothing to worry about.


Active Member
hey claw, i do agree that some may not want to go to certain companies, and i am one, but you gotta be careful, theer is one out there that is suing because members on a board mentioned them in a manner such as that, i am jsut saying use caution when talking like that
i guess i cna give their naem, because this isn't slanderous opinion, but public info, but petwarehouse(not petSwarehouse) initiated the suit