List your fish in your 75gal


I am trying to figure out what i want in my tank and just wanted everyone to post what they have in their 75gal reeftanks


Active Member
1 kole tang
1 mandarin
2 clowns, not sure if they are ocellaris or percs
1 blackcap basslet
1 neon goby


I think that depends about the hippo. It will in fact out grow a 75gal in about a year. If you are planning on an upgrade within that time frame then it would be ok. My first tank was a 75 I had an achellis tang, Hippo tang , foxface,2clowns mandrine,sandsifting gobie ,scooter blenny. but they all are in a 150 now


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kstater
You guys think a hippo tang can live in a 75gal?
yes, they dont grow very fast.


Originally Posted by Kstater
You guys think a hippo tang can live in a 75gal?
Yes... but as Greg803 said, It will outgrow your tank in 1-2 years max.


As mentoned they grow fast. I have one in my tank but its still very little only about 2 inhes in length. But im in the process of builing a new 125 that he will be going in to, I hope he likes it. :jumping:


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
yes, they dont grow very fast.
they dont grow slow either if given a constant supply of algae sheets to graze on as well as multi feedings per day. Mine has definately grown in a few months period.