List Your Fish.


in order I added them
1 - Red Firefish
1 - Scooter Blenny
1 - Sixline Wrasse
1 - Royal Gramma
2 - False Percs
1 - Yellow Clown Goby
1 - Greenbanded Goby


3 green chromis
1 lawnmower blenny
1 cinnamon clown
1 yellow tang
1 scooter blenny
1 flame angel
1 fuzzy dwarf lionfish
1 neon dottyback
1 coral banded shrimp
1 camelback shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
scarlet hermits
bluelegged hermit
various snails
sunflower coral
button polyp coral
ricordia coral
star polyp coral
don't mention overstocking to me, i've had this tank up for two years and i've never killed anything.


3 gallon
pencil urchin, had to move him, kept eating the coralin
1 pink damsel
1 yellow tailed damsel
1 blue velvet damsel
10 Gallon
1 green mandarin
1 percula clown



Originally posted by Goobernif
3 green chromis
1 lawnmower blenny
1 cinnamon clown
1 yellow tang
1 scooter blenny
1 flame angel
1 fuzzy dwarf lionfish
1 neon dottyback
1 coral banded shrimp
1 camelback shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
scarlet hermits
bluelegged hermit
various snails
sunflower coral
button polyp coral
ricordia coral
star polyp coral
don't mention overstocking to me, i've had this tank up for two years and i've never killed anything.

Goobernif, what type of filtration/lighting setup do you have? Just curious...
ME: 55 Gal only setup for 1.5 months
1 yellow tang
1 spotted hawk
3 chromis
snails and crabs too


in a 55 gallon, i started with a domino and striped damsel (starter fish), 1 clown, 1 valentini puffer, 1 blue hippo, 1 picasso trigger, and a florida condi anemone. i've also got about 30-40 lbs. of LR. looks pretty cool. still working on it though.


72 gal bowfront
3 green chromis
domino damsel
picasso trigger
flame angel
bi color blenny
brittle starfish
flame hawkfish
37gal reef
scopas tang
clarki clown
lawnmower blenny
psycadellic mandarin
some corals and inverts and all that good stuff
55 community
figi coral beauty angle
tomato clown
2 green chromis
cleaner wrasse
125 aggressive
7 inch pork puffer
6-7 inch queen angel
5 inch stars and stripes puffer
27 inch zebra moray


up until a month ago i used an UGF with 4 PH, also a HOB Regent 30-60, combined with an Eheim canister filter and Prizm Skimmer. i just replaced the UGF with a Shallow sand bed and a Refugium/Pump setup
Dual Strip NO with a powerglo and marine glow, also a pc 2x55w with 50/50 bulbs.
taking out the UGF was a huge pain... wouldn't recommend it, i had a huge spike in nitrites, ammonia for about a day, but i added southdown playsand and seeded it with some live reef sand from the LFS.
the only reason i took out the UGF is becuase i hated the coral sand look and wanted sand, the uptake tubes also stuck out there... now it's a much deeper and cleaner look.
anyother questions?


New Member
in my tank which is a 120 gallon fowlr i have
1)purple stripe dottyback
2)yellowheaded jawfish
3)canary blenny
4)yellow tailed damsel
5)spiny puffer


1-g/s maroon, 1-lmb, 1-rainsford goby, 1- orange spot goby, 1-skunk, 1-sallylf, unknown#'s of snails and hermits, 1- serpent star, 2- sand sifting stars. In a 55 w/ LR and sand base.


Well-Known Member
55g: salt
yellow tang
coral beauty
2 percs (and large anemone)
yellow watchman (?) gobie
royal gramma
2 anemone crabs
10g fresh
20 guppies
3 platties


3 stripe damsel
Seargent Major damsel
3 inch Lunare wrasse
5.5 inch Lunare wrasse
green zoos
orange zoos
orange polyps
pulsing xenia
loads of LR
a few SPS's
huge fighting conch
snails and hermits
Halimedia and culerpa in main tank
10 to 11 inch Bumblebee Grouper
8 inch Honeycomb Grouper
Red hairy hermit crab the size of my fist
loads of LR
Halimedia and some other type of macro in main tank
empty, but not for long!


Man, just got home and found my 8 line on the carpet. Fish was so cool. I tempted something on the back of my tank just to get me to the weekend where I could have time fix it. Somehow he flew through it :(


100 gal.
3 false percs (family unit for 1 yr.)
1 yellow tang (paranoid as h*ll for 1 yr.)
1 lmb who lives with a 2" red pistol shrimp (1 yr.)
55g reef
1 yellow tang
1 yellow eye kole tang (small)
1 scooter blenny
1 female goldstrip maroon clown
1 male goldstrip maroon clown
1 cherub pygmy angelfish
1 cleaner wrasse
90g fowlr
1 14 inch snow flake eel
1 niger trigger
1 picasso trigger
1 lawnmower blenny
1 yellowtail damsel
1 stars and stripes puffer
1 bad a$$ arrow crab
220g aggressive
1 10 inch russels lion fish
1 6 inch paddlefin wrasse
1 4 inch harlequin tusk wrasse
1 4 inch picasso trigger
1 9 inch dog face puffer
2 domino damsels
1 calico crab
2 big hermits
my 25 gal tank ( soon all these fish in 45)
- two percula clowns
-1 coral beauty
-20 hermits
-2 turbo snails
what makes me mad is my clowns are bighting my coral beauties fins and they are all cut.

aquarius 1

Clown Tang
Koran Angel
Flame Angel
Niger Trigger
Neon Goby
Orange Shoulder Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Clown Trigger
Maculosus Angel (Adult)
Sailfin Tang
Maculosus Angel (Juvenile)
Sailfin Tang