liter meter ? what do you think


looking for a top off read about liter meter , from spectra pure .
anyone used on eor whats your choice
new fish


Active Member
Been using mine for over 2 years, best money I have spent. It's a great product, it saves so many headaches with top off.


Active Member
It is a high end dosing pump, very reliable and easy to use....the only draw back is that they cost nearly 300 bucks, but you get what you pay for IMO.
While we are talking about litermeter's does anyone know where to get tubing for it? I need to replace mine.



Originally posted by josh
Been using mine for over 2 years, best money I have spent. It's a great product, it saves so many headaches with top off.

ARE YOU USEING IT FOR A TOP OFF OR A KAL DOSE, I was looking for a good top off for the evaporation , is this over kill if i just want top off , for get the price its really about product performance. is this a pump and do i set gallons or time or does it have a float switch ect.
let me know the facts thanks
new fish


Active Member
Both....I top off with kalk. It's great for kalk being that none of the parts touch the water, so there is nothing to worry about with the pump getting calcified. If you have a sump, just go with a float switch and a PH.

reef fool

Active Member
I bought a LITER METER II back in Dec. before I went on vacation( the new model came out a week later...That's my luck). By far the best investment I have made so far along with my own RO/DI.
Unbelievably reliable and the new Liter Meter III is digital and can run 2 or 3 (not sure exactly) extra pumps. Go For It, you will not be disappointed!