Litte "Buggers" everywhere! Good or Bad?


Last night when I was changnig my filter pads, i noticied Alot of small see through "bugs" (looked like tiny shrimp or some type of clear organisms)on my dirty filter pads!
Then when i turned on the light to my fish tank (at Night)i noticed several running arund in the live sand and rocks, actually running for cover.. Never see them during the day! Guess they keep away from the light!
Any idea what these little "buggers" might be??
Any idea whether if their good or bad??
The presence of these "bugs" mean anything??
:rolleyes: :confused: :eek:


These are a great sign. Your fish wil feed on them. They are much like a copepod. I believe they are called cephlepods, not exactly sure of the name, but they are definately a good thing.


Active Member
How many fish to you have in your tank and are they all vegitarians? they are a very good thing and your fish will soon be enjoying thier new friends. I had some that loved to hitch rides on the shells of my margarita snails - until I purchased a cleaner shrimp - he eats everything that moves.


New Member
Yes these (as are most) critters ARE a good sign, but I think Playtime meant Isopod or Amphipod, as Cephalapods are a group of Mollusks that include octopus and squid!
Most quick moving "bugs" are different types of Crustaceans including Copepods, Isopods (marine variety are whitish critters related to terrestrial pill bugs) Amphipods (resemble small shrimp typically). While they are relished by fish, I believe they serve a higher purpose as scavengers and ?
IMO these critters are a vital part of the successful captive Marine ecosystem, along with a whole zoo of sponges, worms (fan and many others,) Formaniferans, and countless others that inhabit LR and eventually every part of the system. I believe they are not only a SIGN of tank health, but pivotal in maintaining it.
I no longer worry about "beneficial bateria" and filters for such as a part of my 55G heavily stocked "fish" tank; I think LR and critters in the sand and refugiums for them to live and multiply in, safe from the hungry fishes. The diversity never ceases to amaze me.


Active Member
Yep, great to have the little buggers. I always pull off as many as I can and put them in the tank whenever I rinse my sponges.


LOL!!! I knew it was a pod of some sort, Didn't really care about the name, just new they were good. LOL sure, they are an ocitpus LOL!!!! Thanks for the clear up..
My friend has all my books so I couldn't look it up. LOL!!cephlopod...LOL!!!