Little anemones


I bought some new lr the other day and it had 2 bubble tips about 3/4 inch in diameter on it (now 3, one of the original 2 reproduced), do I need to do anything special as far as feeding one this small? Never owned one before, just wondering how to keep them around. Also this is a FOWLR tank with fairly low lighting, do I need to upgrade lighting to keep 'em happy? Nothing but false percs in the tank currently.


Hello,Are you sure it's bubble tips,sounds like Aiptasia that came in on your rock,and you do not want that.Touch one of them and see if it retracks quickly into the rock.


Actually I'm not sure, I was going on what the guy at the LFS said...and that is questionable. I touched them and they just kind of closed a little. Two of them are kind of maroon (the two that split) and the other is mostly green. There are several other guys in there I didn't mention because I didn't have a clue what they were, when I touched one of them it did retract into the rock. These are kind of clear with a brownish tint and have long wider spaced tenicles, kind of open in the middle...are they aiptasia?


Thanks Sammy, the first 3 I mentioned do not resemble that but I have about 5 or 6 of the aiptasia from 1/2 inch to 3 inches tall. Yeah the guy at the store said they were do I get rid of them?


Active Member
I got rid of mine by injecting them with a kalk loaded syringe. Worked great. Wait till night time then go hunting.


Hello,If you do have anemonio mejano on your rock,i would bring the rock back to your lfs.Mejano is meaty looking soft to the touch,iv'e heard it's the devil.


I've also read that peppermint shrimp will eat them, if they aren't too large. Just be sure it's a peppermint, and not a camelback(they're not reef safe).


Anemonia majano is a pest in a reef tank!! In my experience, peppermints won't touch them. I've had an outbreak in one of my reef tanks, and they just reproduce like rabbits, and sting corals. Other than that, they are kind of attractive.
The same thing is true of aptaisia. Spreads and stings....


Hello,Aiptasia can overtake a fishtank quickly,in a reef tank they will sting the corals you what to keep and win the battle, a free aiptasia could cost you a 50.00 coral.