Little Brother Ruining my Tank?


I'm not quite sure exactly where to put this.
Well, as some of you know my little brother has a habit of steeling my magnets for cleaning the algae of the tank. Luckily I found them hidden under the couch. So, I hid all of my things and put them out of reach for safety. Just a few moments ago I walked down to look at my tank and there on my tank is a piece of paper GLUED to the tank. I took the paper off and it left some paper. I have no clue what I should use to get it off, I'm afraid to use nail remover or something and chemicals reach my fish and corals. What should I use? I sat him down and told him to stop doing things to my tank, and clearly all he heard was "...Touch my tank."
My parents don't really care that there's glue on there but I payed for my entire tank out of money I've been savings since I was six. So when there's a problem I try to fix it right away. He doesn't seem to care to harm my fish, only anything outside of the tank. Any help? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Ah, little brothers. They're so much fun. My brother and I are 7 years apart, and we had some really remarkable fights when we were growing up. I was into model airplanes as a kid, and I clearly remember the 1/72nd scale B-52 Stratofortress that I built one year....I had saved up my allowance for months to get this kit. The very day that it was done - painted, decalled, the works - my brother took it to the top of the stairs while I wasn't looking and "Flew" it down the staircase.
Needless to say, it only had the one flight.
Trust me, you'll eventually look back at these things with a smile. In the meantime, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time communicating this to him. Sounds like he's pretty young; believe it or not he may be doing these things because he sees how much attention YOU pay to the aquarium. In his mind, he's helping.
The glue problem is pretty easy. Start with a straight razor blade. Get as much up as you can with that. Glass is pretty forgiving, you may get ALL the residue off with just the blade. If there's any film left, first try vinegar to remove it. Rub a paper towel in some vinegar, then scrub the glass. If any vinegar gets in the water, it's not the end of the world...just just your pH. If that doesn't work, you can use alcohol or acetone to get the remainder off. Just remember to apply the acetone to the RAG, and then wipe the glass. Under no circumstances should you try "spraying" the glass with anything.....apply the cleaner to the towel or rag, and then rub.


Well-Known Member
Nova gave you the needed secret to removing the glue....Maybe if you acted hurt and cry over your tank, he will feel sorry for you and quit. Maybe your head turns all red like a giant cherry when your mad and he likes the response he gets....LOL...yes, someday you will laugh about this...but not today.