Little browns anemones on LR?


I noticed I have a few little brown looking anemones on a piece of my LR. A guy at the LFS said that these are bad and should be taken out of the tank. Is there a name for these things? i might have to post a pic. THanks Mike


Active Member
Joe's Juice, Aiptasia X, lemon juice, and kalk paste are all good for getting rid of them fast.


Peppermint Shrimp will eat Aiptasia. LFS here has some small brown anemones on rock in one tank that are just that. A good type of small brown anemone. He had a name for them but I don't remember it.
james =)


They could be Aiptasia or Majanos. Google both and see which one you have. Majanos can be removed by hand (although it's a PITA), but aiptasia can not. Aiptasia-X works better than Joe's Juice, IMO and if you smother the majanos with it, it'll kill them, although sometimes you have to apply twice to get them.
Not all peppermint shrimp eat aiptasia. Some do, some don't, and even with the ones that do, once they get a taste for something better (like the food you feed your fish), they'll stop eating aiptasia. Just kill them manually and save yourself the aggravation.


Ive had amazing results with kalk paste I mixed from mrs wages pickling lime. Works jsut like aiptasia X except you get a life time supply for 5 bucks and there are no chemicals that would be bad for your tank. But in the case of all in tank treatments, if you have a bunch do a few treatments and then stop so you don't mess up the parameters in your tank