little clear anemones?


New Member
I have these little clear anemones on my live rock.I am not sure what they are,but they look like little clear anemones.They started out very little .They are about the size of dimes now.I have about 6 of them on live rock.Tank has been up for about 9 months now.I would post picture but have not figured that out yet.Thanks for any replies.


yah most likely
i jus got a pepermintshrimp. and it was pretty cool watchin him eat it. took him a while tho=]
ps. i kinda liked that anemone tho cause it lived
but ppl said get rid of it so i did


Kill them now before it leads to trouble, either buy some joes juice, or mix some ro water with kalk and squirt a little in the middle of each one. If you have a fish only tank,and have the proper tank size,a copper banded butterfly will eat them. Peppermint shrimp will eat small ones, and Bergia Nudi's will eat larger ones.


New Member
where do i find joes juice?Do i just add it to the tank?
Thanks for replies.I could get the shrimp,but would he eat all of them?


Active Member
Joes Juice is found at most LFS. It comes with an applicator like a syringe. You put just a small amount in it squirt it directly into the anemones mouth. You need to get close to it, and you will see it literally disappear in minutes.


Does anyone have a picture of the Glass Anemone? We have some clear(more like milky white) "discs" on some of our live rock and we've had 3 fish die over there????


Wow you were quick! Do they start out as a flat disc and then "grow arms"?


Active Member
Not typically no... they start out as a small bud then open up as you see here. Although you may not see the stem all the time you certainly see the tenticles.
Best thing for you to do is get a pic up so we can see what you have.


Okay, I don't guess that's what we have then. The "disc" looks similar to the center of the picture you sent. Any ideas what it is? i've tried to get a picture, but it's transluscent white so it's hard to get a clear shot.