Little Dude's on glass


I just got my tank back going after losing everything becuase of a power outage. I added in another piece of live rock and 40 lbs of live aragonite sand in addition to 20 lbs of live fine grade sand I already had. Since I did all of this I have noticed thousands of little flea looking guys on my glass. What are these, they are all about half the size of a period. Also there are a few of these little circular cretures that have a lot of little arms waving around. What are these??
Thanks <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


they are circular and appear to be hollow in the middle and in the very center is a large dot. They have about a cozen little arms about twice the length of their body. That is about all I can tell you


Active Member
I think that's what I have too. I posted a question about it. Mine are white. I wondered if they were pods too. By the way I'm in OK too, Norman.


that looks like them kelly, I only have a few of the ones in your picture but that is what they are. Now, what the hell are they???????
Good or Bad


I have no idea, but I had hundreds, possibly thousands of them a few weeks ago on my front glass, now there are not so many left. I cleaned the glass, and now I only find a few. I have not noticed any problems. Today I found some small flat worms, or so I think, this is the first time ... the tank has been up over 10 years. I am assuming they are some type of larvae, but to what I am not sure.
A few months back a petshop closed their saltwater department, and I go about 40 extra lb of live rock, and I also bought a few frags from coral dynamics. I am guessing where some of my new additions have come from. Lately I have been seeing many new things, including white starfish in my tank. So far no problems that I am aware of...
Maybe the sharks will identify these little critters for us.


Active Member
Kelly, I'm following this closely because I have them too. Great Picture! That's what I've got allright!


I had em when my tank was cycling...
took a few out, put em under a microscope and they appeared to be some sort of algae... Im guessing some sort of juvenile species of the class Chlorophytes just because of the cell structure...
Drew :)


Active Member
They look like hydroid jellyfishes.
Do a google search on Staurocladia oahuensis and you'll find a lot of information.
Very common on new tanks with new live rock.
I've had'em too.

kris walker

Active Member
Jellyfish?! WOW! How cool is that! That makes sense to me from what I heard taking a tour through the jellyfish display at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. They said they start out as little guys attached to rock, then as the mature, they become free-swimming. Not sure if this applies to all, but still cool nonetheless.
Great picture Kelly! I assume you took it? Did you have to use a wide angle lens?
Edit: Drew, does a jellyfish interpretation make sense with what you saw under the scope?


I'm glad Kelly posted the pic, I've got these guys too - how big do they get? I've been looking at mine through a magnifying glass :D


Active Member
MY LR is from figi. Lerch where do you shop? We are both in OK and I wonder if we bought from same place.


I have mostly Fiji that I got from SWF back in December and a few pieces of Florida Aquaculture that I picked up from my LFS. I also pick up the occasional lb of sand from my LFS LR curing tank.


That's not what those are. I have tons of them too, but those are just cycsts that develop into an adult organism. It is some kind of pod from what I can tell, the adults go crawling around all over everything. I don't know much else about them. I am going to take a sample to my Zoology lab instructor and see what he has to say about them (cyst and adult form).


Kris, as far as I know, its cells were very similar to any sort of green algae cells [Class Chlorophyta]
Im not a biologist...just in high school, but I havent found any other info on em.
I know mine only lasted a few days when they were present.
Drew :)


I took the picture with a Sony Mavica FD83, it does good on close-up shots, especially with enough lighting. I put the camera right up against the glass, focused, and then edited the picture. No special lenses were used.

kris walker

Active Member
Kelly, that camera sounds awesome. I wish mine was that nice (got a Canon Rebel, and a new digital Fuji 2800PIX).
Drew and Starfishjackedme, thanks for the additional info. It'll be interesting to see what those little buggers are if anyone ever unambiguously ID's them. :)