Little emergency people!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Its dead ScubaDoo.....
I sure wish i was home to stop the attack, i also wish i would know who done it.
Oh, a victim of aggression? Don't you have a trigger? What else is in your system? Also, it is possible the animal died and then the fish "picked" at it once it was dead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Oh, a victim of aggression? Don't you have a trigger? What else is in your system? Also, it is possible the animal died and then the fish "picked" at it once it was dead.
I dont think it was pick at when me
I do have a niger trigger but he wont pick at anything....not even my lionfish or any rocks. I do have a goldentail eel, lionfish,damsel.
The butterfly fish was very beautiful too.