little green stems on my l/r

I've been adding coral vital to my water for about a week now and I'm starting to see these tiny green stems on my l/r. What are they?


When I first purchased my lr, I noticed three stems sticking out of one of the rocks. As my tank matured one of them started sprouting leaves. I was pretty excited about it, and I guess my yellow tang was too. Two days after I introduced him into the tank, they disapeared. I guess I will never know for sure what was growing there. :( Good luck with your's though.
my black percs nip at mine.i also use coral excel for my shrooms,micro vert,liquid calcium and turbo calcium/kalkwasser


If they get little green balls on them it is probably grape caulerpa. There is a few post in the arch. about it. People say that it spreads like crazy and takes over your tank but my blue legs pick at it and it hasn't grown or shrunk in a few weeks. I like it.


It is a calcerous algae
Neomeris annulata! Great indicator of your calcium is good.
Does it look like this