Little help with clown goby eating


So I got a green clown goby on Sunday but all it has done so far is hide during the day and come out at night. Normal I guess. When it does come out I target feed it sinking pellets, frozen brine shrimp, and frozen bloodworms right in front of it and it won't eat them. Then it usually swims away so I let some float around the tank and hope he eats it. I've been testing and I have zero nitrates and zero everything else. So is it possible he's eating the floating frozen food?
any other help?


Thanks I have flakes also, just haven't tried them yet. I hope he becomes less shy, there's no other fish to scare him. I'll try flakes too. Does yours take live baby brine shrimp?


Active Member
Now he takes about everything, but really goes nuts all over the tank for flake for some reason. I have given him the baby brine, and sometimes that will entice a shy fish into eating. It really took my clown weeks to stop swimming into the rock work when i came into the room, he is out all the time now, but still startles easily.


If you don't see your fish eating anything don't assume he's eating when you're not looking. You should try live brine shrimp or live ghost shrimp and see if he takes to it. And then wean him to frozen. Good luck!


Ok thanks to both of you. I'll figure out soon if he's not eating if he dies but he seems to be. I feed him when lights are out now with the frozen since he comes out a lot then. I'll hatch some bbs and see if he likes that along with giving some veggie flakes.


Active Member
Clown gobies are notorious for being quite shy at first. Mine took a couple of weeks to get comfortable, but now he's all over the place. I feed mine brine (likes) mysis (doesn't seem to really like) and flakes (tolerates).


Active Member
also notorious for often requiring live food to get them to start eating. try live brine shrimp and then ween him off. once he gets comfortable he's be out feeding the problem is they often die of starvation before it ever happens if you just wait for him to take frozen.


New Member
I had the exact same situation with a Green Clown Goby I got about 4 months ago. For the first 2 weeks it stayed hidden in the rockwork and I was getting really concerned. It now has probably become one of the most agressive eaters in the tank. As mentioned above it loves flake food above anything else and likes to grab a big piece and then run and hide to eat it and then do the same again. It is a timid and shy fish though and will hide if you try to get close to it.


Ok thanks, I'll get hatching some bbs today and see what happens with flakes. Right now he swims a lot when the moonlight's on but not when my pc's are on. Hopefuly that will change a bit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by atmachine5
Ok thanks, I'll get hatching some bbs today and see what happens with flakes. Right now he swims a lot when the moonlight's on but not when my pc's are on. Hopefuly that will change a bit.
Mine did the same thing at first. He would hide during the day and swim around at night. Now he's as normal as any other fish.


That's good to know, hopefully mine will be the same. I have no problem with waiting, I have plenty of patience.