little issue....


New Member
Hey guys/gals , First off let me introduce myself. My name is Gabe and I recently setup a 12 gal nano. Its been setup about 4 weeks now and I just added a damsel in yesterday.
My issue, I accidentally dropped a small amount of brine shrimp eggs into the tank, how bad is it? Will the fish and inverts be OK? I am all stressed about it

12gal nano
15lbs live rock
20lbs live sand
3 emerald crabs
3 snails
5 hermit crabs
1 black/white Damsel


Active Member
Did the fish eat the eggs whole? When they hatch, then your tank will just have a mini meal. I don't think it is anything to worry about. It looks like you have a nice start. After we answer all of your can post a few pictures. But only if you want to. I know we would love to see the tank.


New Member
Yup the Damsel had some whole eggs, and I am sure a few sunk to the bottom.
Here some pics( I plan on starting a thread in the Nano section as well so I can make regular updates) :



Active Member
I bet he'll be okay. I have the smallest bit of experience with this. I used to breed guppies, and one time I accidently spilled some brine shrimp eggs in one of the little nursery tanks I had set up. The fry (baby fish) were about a centimeter or two long at the time (very young) and about half of them died from this. Since your damsels is hugemongous compared to them, I bet he'll be okay. After all, most of the guppies were okay. If a damsel could eat a baby fish skeleton and all, I doubt a little hard egg is going to hurt him.
Nice tank man. I have a small recommendation for the tank. Buy some base (or tufa) rock for it. This stuff is cheap and will fill up the empty space in your tank. Eventually it will become live and you won't be able to tell the difference between the live rock and the base rock.


New Member
I am glad to hear that. I can't wait to start adding some coral. I am so addicted to this hobby already and its only been a month! :)


Active Member
It looks like there is a coral that's closed up in there. What kind is it?
But remember that patience is the key.


New Member
I have no idea, everything you see came on the live rock. Including a huge encusted scallop which I didnt even notice untill it died(didnt survive cycle). I am going to get the tripod out in a bit and try and cacth a glimps of it open.


Active Member
the brine shrimp eggs r fine. if anything, it will provide the fish with a meal when they hatch. the purple thing on rocks looks like some sort of plant?