Little Nemo - Day 20

bang guy

I just couldn't wait a week :joy:
I was so happy when I went down this morning when I got home. I snapped this pic at about 10:00 and he seems just fine.


Active Member
Whew!! We couldn't wait a week either. EVERYDAY, the kids asked "hows Nemo". Seemed like forever.

Boy is he cute and looks great too. Congratulate the babysitter too. :)

bang guy

The other eggs hatched the night before I left. I dumped them into the Rotifer tank and it looks like some of them made it. They're hard to see in there right now. I'm just going to keep feeding the Rotifers and pull out any surviving fry on Sunday.
I've learned a LOT over the past month. I hope to put it into practice during this Winter.


Active Member
I love how he actually has fins now and looks like a fish instead of a tadpole... not that he wasn't cute as a tadpole. :D
Congrats Bang! :jumping:


Active Member
Does it seem to anyone else that he doesn't look like the same Nemo? He got rid of the baby fat and looks longer. You're doing a great job with him Bang, keep it up.


Active Member

Originally posted by cprdnick
Does it seem to anyone else that he doesn't look like the same Nemo? He got rid of the baby fat and looks longer. You're doing a great job with him Bang, keep it up.

I was actually noticing the same thing. Also, this is the first picture that I have been able to make out his fins. In the past I think that they were there, just too clear to see them. In this picture I can clearly make out the development of support spines.


Active Member
He looks good. If you can successfully raise them you can make some money. Especially if this Nemo thing keeps on going strong..


Great to hear about Nemo as well as the other fry! Good luck with them all!!:D :cheer: