Little Nemo - Day 7

bang guy

WOW! Little Nemo grew quite a bit over the past 24 hours. I have some Artemia Nauplii (Baby Brine Shrimp) soaking in a heavy solution of green water. I'm going to try feeding some tonight. I'm hoping to avoid the mistake I made on my first batch by also feeding Rotifers at the same time.

bang guy


Originally posted by Zippy
I can't tell from the pic, but does he have any fin structure yet? Or just the tail?

Not that I can see.


i have been watching the progress and i must say you are doin a very good job. but wont thin guy eat the newly hatched babes?
just wondering


Active Member
cool, thanks again. Still a cutie. Is he really as translucent as he appears?
The picture of him in the jar is amazing, just a little speck.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
I thought this might interest some of you. This is as close to actual size as I can figure...

Wow! really tiny! What do you have? a digital camera attached to your microscope?

bang guy


Originally posted by fishman88
wont this guy eat the newly hatched babes?

I don't this he's big enough to do that. I saw him eat a newly hatched baby brine shrimp last night and it was almost too much for him. The newly hatched clownfish larvae are 5 or 6 time larger than a BBS.
I will be kepping him seperate anyway until they are all (if there are any) big enough to eat BBS.

bang guy


Originally posted by lovethesea
Is he really as translucent as he appears?

More so. I increased the contrast to be able to see him better.

bang guy


Originally posted by Lesleybird
What do you have? a digital camera attached to your microscope?

A set of close-up lenses.

bang guy


Originally posted by nicky1.8t
what kind of setup do you have him in?

He's in a Pickle Jar. Pretty high tech stuff here.

mr. tuna

Active Member
I'm hoping to avoid the mistake I made on my first batch by also feeding Rotifers at the same time.
So it is not good feeding BBS mixed in with rotifers if it is your first time feeding BBS to them? Because in TSL`s post it says for the first couple days to feed BBS mixed with rotifers because they will have some difficulty changing their diet..
What would you reccomend?
Nice pic, I wish I had the time to devote to breeding my clowns, but they need a lot of different things, in order for them to successfully breed, dont they?