Little Nemo - Day 8

bang guy

He has mastered the skill of hunting Artemia Nauplii. He will follow one for a short distance and then stop about 1/8" away from it and kink his tail. When the BBS turns around he springs forward with his tail and grabs it.
He's about 5mm long now. Probably twice as long as day 1.
looks like he's happy and healthy thanks for the updates even through the holiday weekend, his color is getting brighter or is it the pic

bang guy


Originally posted by CSRobe02
For your tank size under your profile, you need to put "pickle jar" :D

Dang - That's REALLY funny!!! Thank you for the laugh :)


Staff member
Bang, have you picked out a mate for him yet? ;)
Have you thought of introducing an anemone for must be pretty hard on the little anemone, no siblings, no mom and pop :(