little question


Ok, my 10 gallon tank is in the cycle...Just tested it last night and has a little ways to go. Is anyone familiar with Whisper filters? I have a filter rated for 20-40 gallons on my ten and works very well. My question is do you think I should change the filter media and carbon? Or should it be ok until the tank is ready and I put fish in it... And, should I do a water change at all?



If you are just cycling, and don't have any critters in there, then no, you don't want to do a water change or change out the filter media. Right now it's building all the good bugs that you need to keep a cycled tank, if you remove it, you could start the process over again.
I'm going to guess that you don't have any livestock in the tank. Don't do a water change, just let the cycle complete and keep testing, doing a water change after you have fully cycled the tank and before you add any living critters!


Ya, I dont have anything in the thank, other then live rock and sand. Thats it...When my tank is ready, I will get some RO mixed up to the right salinity a day before, do a water change after new mix water has been mixed for 24 hours and then get my fish. I'll go to pets mart for the clowns...whats the best way to add them to your tank? Is it like my cichlids, put the bag in the water for 15-30 min or should I add the saltwater to the bag of water slowly in that time?


Active Member
they have a great video on here showing how to acclimiate your fish its on your left side of the screen under money back guarantee


Active Member
Originally Posted by kclester
they have a great video on here showing how to acclimiate your fish its on your left side of the screen under money back guarantee

I agree, I've used a similar procedure on all my fish for years, regardless of where they come from. I am also very wary of getting SW fish from Pet Smart, or any other mass merchandiser. Supplies-fine; but SW fish require a real pro at the selling end. good luck! Oh yeah, I don't know how much LR you have, but it sounds like your Whisper may be the only thing circulating your water and is probably the place most of your bacteria are going to take up residence during your cycle. If this is the case, DO NOT clean or change your filter media until necessary--and then change only the pad or the carbon-but not both at the same time. If you can do a quick rinse of the pad in tank water (left over from WC, that is better than replacing it.) If you have about10 lbs of live rock and good circulation- then forget the long ramble!


Hey man, thanks a lot. I have about 8 pounds of live rock. I'll just keep watching it. Do you think I should get a powerhead in there? With that large filter it moves water pretty good. I have tried a few powerheads and they make a huge storm in the tank, mixes the sand and everything up too much...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
Hey man, thanks a lot. I have about 8 pounds of live rock. I'll just keep watching it. Do you think I should get a powerhead in there? With that large filter it moves water pretty good. I have tried a few powerheads and they make a huge storm in the tank, mixes the sand and everything up too much...
This filter should move enough water, check by holding a little string in different spots. When the live rock becomes your main filter; you can still use the Whisper to move water and hold media. I like to use Boyds Chemi-Pure; but you'll discover that there are dozens of products that do about everything but reproduce and they can all be used in your Whisper.