Originally Posted by
Darthtang AW
I smoke outside...away from people usually, unless THEY CHOSE TO COME NEAR ME. Therefore I am not contributing or forcing secondhand smoke on anyone. Most smokers (atleast younger ones) smoke outside. Most cities prevent indoor smoking...therefore why should I pay 700% mark up on an item just because people in the past did these things I do not do.....My dad smoked my entire childhood....I did not learn of this till I was 18, he was very considerate to keep it away from from the family...I am the same way.
I never had a problem with smokers until my recent cruise. We left out of New York, so there were quite a few smokers. This was a problem because I am pregnant and I could not find a public space on the ship where I wasn't exposed to the smoke. I would sit down at a slot machine, and then I would have to get up because of a smoker. I would lay out on the deck, and I would have to get up because of a smoker. This went on the whole week. So now my thing that irritates me is...
It also gets on my nerves when people write on forums and they don't use basic rules for writing... like punctuation and capital letters. I'm not asking for grammatical perfection, just please follow your basic 3rd grade rules!