Little tiny starfish good or bad


New Member
I was looking at my tank at around 2 am and I noticed these little white starfish all on the glass there where about 60 or 70. they are about 3or4 milimetres. My question is are they bad or good?
P.S. I just got 10#'s of live rock could they have come from that?
Yes, they could have come from the rock, but that is quite a lot of baby starfish. Are you sure that they are starfish? If you don't want all of them, I would love to have at least one. It would be so cute!!


New Member
Could the they have been in my other rocks and just have been multipling and i'm now just starting to see them?


Active Member
I have a 55 display and 15 QT. I tossed in a very small piece of figi branched LR in the QT for my clown to hide in, and I got the same little white "starfish" looking things. My display tank has some of the same branched LR, but no sign of these star-critters.
I'm pretty sure they are not true starfish, and they are not copepods or amphipods. That I am sure of. Do yours look like real small snowflake like creatures, with maybe 6-8 tiny tentacles, and adhear to the glass ??? I have at least as many as you mentioned .. maybe more.
I'm going to try and figure out what they are, and if so I'll let ya know.
What do you usually feed your Mandarin??? I have like 30# of LR and I still don't think that is enough, so I am looking at LS, but I don't know if it would work hard enough.


Active Member
I have the samethings in my tank and they are a type of starfish. They dont seem to be harmful. Some do have more or less then 5 or 6 arms but I think that my hermit crabs may nip them evey now and then causing them to grow another arm, this will even happen to large star fish if they are injured. I dont think a mandrin could fit one of these starfish in its mouth.


New Member
My manderin just goes up and eats them thats all
[This message has been edited by Blinky (edited 08-15-2000).]