little white cotton things


New Member
I've got a mat type coral. It has a red base with bright green polyps. I noticed a few white, cotton looking things about the size of a pea on it while I was doing a water change. Normally, one wouldn't be able to see the things but all the polyps retracted and there they were. I knocked one off rather easily, so I know it wasn't attached. It floated around. Should I be concerned?


New Member
this is some sort of mould or diesese. i think that u should keep an eye on it , it is a coomon fish diesese but ive never heard it to be on a coral. i suggest u just keep it very clean and happy because it may turn out to be something bad


Active Member
i think that its more than likely a sponge or tunicate colony growing inderneath your mat polyps. I have the same thing growing on the base rock of one of my sand polyps. They hide out here because they are normally hidden from the light by the polyp heads. They do no harm, so enjoy!:D
good luck


New Member
thanks for the info, i took one to the lfs and he said it was a sponge. they like to hide from the light he said, so they hide out under the polyps.


i would agree that it is some type of sponge should be harmless
jay and silent bob rocks :)


Active Member
right on karlas!!! i was hoping people knew who it was and that it wasnt me.:D Man i love all their movies. Mallrats has got to be my fave!