Little White Creatures


on a new tank it will go through a cycle and will have a "copepod" explosion.
Its a good sign a new tank that it is doing the right thing...


Active Member
i was bummed the first time copepods appeared on my glass. i kept scraping them off all the time until i found out what they actually were.
my latest lr came with tons of 4mm starfish that reproduce extremely fast. my triggers are tearing that up like mad. i'm saving a lot more since setting up all these 'fuge breeding grounds.


Active Member
I just had a copepod explosion in one of my systems this weekend and it's almost a year old. I've found that it can happen anytime. Go figure.
It's a good thing.. means your tank is healthy.


This is good to know because in the last few weeks I've also had an explosion and couldn't figure out what was wrong if anything. An my tank is almost a year old now


Active Member
What I figured it was is that the system that had this happen had been previously treated with copper. I have been soaking it out of the water as the substrate and rock leeched it with Poly Filter and Carbon, and I figured that the copper levels had finally dropped to the point where inverts were able to survive again.
At the same time, I did a large water change about a week ago, larger than normal, which may have tripped it off... dunno


New Member
What do you have for fish in your tank for going through the cycle? i know it has nothing to do with whats in your tank but was just wondering.