little white guys?


Okay. My tank has been up and running for over two years. I have noticed all sorts of stuff that I can identify, but now there are these guys who stump me. They are on the plastic plants I have, on the powerheads, and especially in the hang-on filter (a Penguin 2-biowheel jobby). They are about two centimeters long, tube-shaped, attached at one end, widening in the middle, and have what look like bristles or feathers or tentacles or something on the end that sticks out. Can anyone ID these for me? Nobody in my tank seems to be eating them (I have a sally, two crabs and a snail -- I'm ordering more stuff soon...).

pa reef pig

Daisy, Im pretty sure that they are not anything to worry about. I think they are some kind of sponge critter. I had the exact same things in my refugium.

bang guy

Yes, if these look like tiny white pineapples then they are sponges. Congrats! They can only live with excellent water conditions. Other good news is that they build their body structure using Silicate.
I have always had these on the back glass. They are a miniature sponge. There must be a couple hundred on my back glass along with these curlique hard white things with something sticking out of them. Never have found out what these are.

bang guy


Originally posted by steamboat1569
along with these curlique hard white things with something sticking out of them. Never have found out what these are.

Either Vermitid Snails or mini feather dusters. Probably a mixture of both.


Active Member
Hey Steamboat,
I bet the little coiled hard white things are Spirorbidae tube worms.
The ones I have in my tank are not grouped together, more individual coils on the back glass.


wow! Thanks, guys! I also have a little curlique critter with feathers or something, but I have only one of those. I have hundreds of the little white guys.
Can I tell you how I am now feeling so proud of my tank? :)


They really only live in excellent water conditions? That makes me feel better then, I thought it meant I had too much of something or other. I have not checked my water quailty in over a year, I just do weekly water changes with some additives.
What about pink or yellow spounges growing on the rocks?


ROFL, you guys just answered 2 questions I've always had but could never get a straight answer on.
Thanks a TON! :D
I have those sponges in very minimal lit areas (sump and overflow box). Now for those Spir worms, sheez, they on everything, rock, glass, overflow. Heck! I'm scared if the fish stand still long enough one will grow off his backside.
LOL, anyways, thanks for the info on that, best thread of the day!!
Those white curlies do really, really well when you keep your calcium leves up. I have scraped them off when they get out of hand.


Active Member

Originally posted by daisy
They are about two centimeters long, tube-shaped, attached at one end, widening in the middle, and have what look like bristles or feathers or tentacles or something on the end that sticks out. Can anyone ID these for me? Nobody in my tank seems to be eating them

I'm not so sure these have been correctly IDed. They sound more like Glass Anemones, or more commonly referred to as Aiptasia. I might be the only one who thinks this, but that's exactly what I think they are. Do you have any pictures of them?
Some one on the board had a link to what these sponges look like and I cant remember who. I know the ones that I have are the sponges and are very different from the aiptasia. I have had aiptasia before, and these sponges do not look anything like them.


sadly, my digital camera is not sophisticated enough to take a picture of these critters. Also, my husband pointed out to me that they are not two centimeters long, I had meant to write that they are more like two millimeters long. I'm sure that changes things. But they do look like tiny white pineapples. Am I still okay?

pa reef pig

youre still ok, I knew exactly what you were talking about.
Hate to say it, but I did not see the term "centimeters". The ones I have are just little bitty things, about 2-3 millimeters. They are sponges.

bang guy

Just now I attempted to snap a quick pic of one of the Leucilla sponges. Sorry, I can't get a clear shot. I don't have any that are 2cm but I have a few that are 1cm.
This is why I can't get a clear pic... this is one of my overflows:


Active Member

Originally posted by daisy
Also, my husband pointed out to me that they are not two centimeters long, I had meant to write that they are more like two millimeters long.

That statement made all the difference. If they were 2cm they were most likely Aiptasia, but you changed that to 2mm, and they are sounding more like the sponge in question. Good job then.


Bang Guy, my little pineapple dudes look nothing at all like the totally frightening stuff you pictured! EEK! What is the magnification on that? No. Definitely not what's in my tank. Think little tiny white pineapples, not scary hairy stuff. :)