little white things on glass


I have about hundred or so of these little white things moving around on the glass inside the tank. Sorry no pics alittle to small to make out. Any idea on what these things are and if they are good or bad.


Active Member
Copepods are just basically small crustaceans that eat left over waste (although a very small amount) but they also become food for fish. One of the signs of a healthy tank is all :)


Those tiny white things are most likly baby sea slugs. I have the exact same thing and now they are big enough for me to see their little antenia I never noticed copepods ever sticking to the glass, they swim around or stay on rocks.
They are good guys unless they are redish color.
Hope this helps eae your mind.


New Member
Shyfish, You stated they are good unless they are red. In my caulerpa copepods are everywhere but I am also seeing reddish things in there.
What is bad about them and should I be doing something about it?


Active Member
without seeing them.. it makes it harder... Spirorbid worms is what I would say without seeing a picture... they are a filter feeder and wont hurt the tank at all.


I am not trying to start a panic. Tiny red slugs are like a plague they mutiply so fast they cover the tank in days. So you most likly don't have a problem, or you would know it by now.
It was something I read about in a book and I watch to make sure I don't get things that I have been warned about. I passed that info along.
I can redo the research and send more info if you want it.


New Member
We'll Ive hijacked this thread and apologize.
They are red slimy things that attach to glass but have been there for weeks without multipying. Ive never questioned them but will look into, and I greatly appreciate the responses.
maybe I can get a photo later and start a new thread.