Little worms in my tank


About a month ago I bought a lawnmower blenny and he died the next day. I found it strange, but the strangest thing was that when I got him out of the tank, there were little worms around him. The filter cartridges had some too so I threw them out. Today I made a partial water change and I found like 8 of them. Does anyone know what they are and what can I do about it?


Active Member
Look like bristle worms or fire worms, you don't need to do anything about them if this is the case. They eat leftover food and burrow into LR. They were probably on the blenny because it had died, they didn't contribute to the death though, they are harmless to fish.
There's no real good way to get rid of them, especially with a larger tank. They sell traps for them, but the trap has to placed within a few inches of where they are, taking quite a few months probably to cover the tank, and they will have moved by then.
Only way to get rid of them really is to never have any leftover food, hence killing them off by taking away their food source. However this task is pretty hard to accomplish because you're bound to have a little food left once in a while.


Active Member
a little closer picture that's clear would help us nail it down 100%
If they are bristle/fireworms, there's no reason to worry about them. They're not going to cause any damage that small, some people have had worms as big as pencils, and these cause some issues with the LR, but you don't need to worry about that at all.