live bacteria to solve hair alage/cynao/ what do you think


I have had a very bad case of hair alage and or cynao, sheets of redish on my substrate glass and all over rocks. have tried it all with no sucess, lights pads ect. I found a product on line and got 2 12 oz bottles for my 90 gal reef set up.
My tank was a mess for aleast 2 months, added this product 10days ago there is no, no slime or anything on my rocks! there is 80 to 90% of my substrate cleaned up .just a few spots in certain areas , still grows on my glass every several day in small areas, not 100% . STILL CANT FIND THE CAUSE. HAVE ANY OF YOU HEARED OF A LIVE BACTERIA THAT KILLS HAIR ALAGE.


chances are it hurts, if not kills good algea and other living things that are good for your tank, but to each their own, i won't use a product unless i know someone that has used it and it works without side effects...well for my reef anyway...


Active Member
I think there was a post around here a while back from someone who had used Marine SST (or SAT?) for hair algae and had very good results also. I forgot who it was. Anybody else remember?


I know sometimes you find yourself with your back against the wall but using any chemicals for this type of problem should be a last resort & then some. As mentioned previously these additives are not species specific and take out the good stuff along with the bad. If the root cause is not addressed, you may find yourself right back to where you started. That said I'll get off the soap box & say I have heard of people who were very happy with the outcome and did not have it come back after using this type of stuff.


Active Member
thx melody, havent been on in a few days!
but using any chemicals for this type of problem should be a last resort & then some
the difference with the Marine SST is that it is not a chemical, it is is a type of bateria that competes with hair/slime algaes, etc for the source of nutrients.....and yes it does work well! its been about a week since the last post on tht ethread, but the employee who is using the product that works with me at the lfs has littel to no hair algae remaining on areas that were once covered!
good luck


I've used Marine SAT in the past it only worked for a short time. The hair algae eventually came back even worse!! I would second the post that said try & find the problem why you have it. Quick answers can lead to quick problems in this hobby. One of my LFS said the algae develops a tolerance for the SAT & eventually can become immune to it.


Sounds like a winner to me. I'm going to try it anyway.