Live Brine Shrimp


I am going to start raising live brine shrimp to feed the fish, mainly because of the scooter blenny. I have not seen any messages on this topic and had a couple of questions.
Is there any reason not to add a lot of brine shrimp to the tank at once, once they are hatched? Can they not just live in the tank like other critters, and thus be available to the fish when they want them?
Any other information on the raising and feeding of live brine shrimp would be appreciated.


Thanks for the reply. The main question I have is whether or not I can add a lot of brine shrimp at a time and have them live in the tank? That way the fish will feed on them when they want to. Or, will the brine shrimp only servive for a fairly short period of time so best to keep the number of them in the tank at a low amount?


New Member
The fish will probably eat all they can so how many were you looking at. The brine shrimp will live in there a fair while, probably there life. People put the artemia in at night to feed the mandarins. So in the morning the artemia are nestle in the rock work etc. so the mandarin gets some. So going by this they would survive in there for awhile.


So going by this they would survive in there for awhile. <hr></blockquote>
Just curious, how long is awhile? I'm also thinking about doing this. :D


I dont raise live shirmp, and all my critters eat eithr the frozen ones i feed, or they eat my cocepds, so i dont 'need' to feed live brine, but one of the LFS stores i go to sometimes sell live brine, and when i am there, i buy some for a "treat"... i usually put 2 teaspons in all at once-- a lot get eaten right away, and the rest live for a few days till my seahorse cleans them out... there should be no problems leaving them in... you just cant raise them in the tank


Ok, I think I have the game plan down, now. Thanks. Once I have some hatched out I'll add a good number to the tank. From there I keep an eye on things to see when the fish have sought and fed on most of them. When I can't readily find quite a few in the tank that should mean I can add another bunch. And, those that are not eaten right away will be fine living in the tank. Right?


New Member
it is impossiable to raise brine shrimp in the same tank as your fish...its a verable buffet. not to mention the little guys get sucked right up into the filter. frozen are great. live portions are wonderful because the fish can chase their food. if you want to raise your own shrimp remeber to feed them right.healthy fish come from healthy food.