Live Brine Shrimp


New Member
My Cardinal Fish only seems to be eating live brine shimp (he loves it). Anybody ever start a small tank for just brine shrimp?
What if any filtration and lighting would I need?
I just can't go to my LFS every week.


I have (in the past) had a small tank set up for keeping Brine Shrimp. You need to keep the water very cool and provide extreme airation.
I used CC with under ground filtration for the Bio/mechanical filtration and had to do weekly water changes. All other filtration attempts seemed to filter out the shrimp :(
Even with this, the tank only supported the Brine Shrimp for about 6 weeks befor a major tank/gravel cleaning was required.


New Member
Sound like a pain in the rear end. Think I will stick to frozen with the occasional brine treat. Thanks Mac!


Active Member
My cardinal also will only eat live brine. I have tried darn near everything. He nips at some of the frozen food but always spits it back out. It's live brine or nothing for this little guy.
Do a search on breeding live brine with any search engine and you will get some interesting results.
Also if you visit one of those large major pet store chains some of them carry kits for raising live brine.


New Member
I did some more research and found that this does not look too dificult.
Here is a site with some simple directions:
<a href="" target="_blank">web page</a>
I think I will give it a try unless someone suggest that it is a huge hassel.


Active Member
Not a hassle at all.
I've done the 2 litre bottle, airstone and light thing before, and hatched tons of live brine shrimp.
All my fish seemed to suck them up as fast as they could - sort of a feeding frenzy :p