live copepods



Wow runner.. thats a really really good idea...
so the pods just fall out of the little holes? hows it work?
so this makes keeping a mandarin a zinch right?
im not so scared of getting a mandarin now.. always wanted one..
which one should i get?
green or spotted?


Active Member
how about red kelp...could i pack the soap holder thing with red kelp and have copepods livein it?


Active Member
I use red bubble kelp with culerpa and chaeto in my tank, dunno how effective it is by itself, but in that combo, its magic.


Active Member
alright we were going to head out to a-z pets because they actually have that would be awsome if we could grab a little something which will have copepods on it at least until we get our order of copepods in...are you going to be home in the next hour or hour and a half?


Active Member
so are you saying i would place the small rock or whateverin the hang on "soap holder thing" then put hte chaeto over top of that and then they will start breeding?


Active Member
Sure, I will be here, bring a container, I don't have anything right now, that would hold a rock, do you still have my address?


Active Member
Hey, if your going to A to Z, if you get htis, can you grab me a horeshoe crab, I will give you the money when you get here?


Active Member
no i don't have your adress anymore...i don't know if i ever had it...but if you want to e mail me your adress and phone number we will head down to a to z and grab those for you thats no want two of them?


Active Member
how are the pods alive? at the lfs tiger pods come in a little container..they can live in that? ???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
Wow runner.. thats a really really good idea...
so the pods just fall out of the little holes? hows it work?
so this makes keeping a mandarin a zinch right?
im not so scared of getting a mandarin now.. always wanted one..
which one should i get?
green or spotted?
WELL..i dont know if it makes having a mandarin easy..but it does help with supplying it more. I actually wanna add more of this to my tank just to make sure the mandarin doesnt run out.


Active Member
we picked up the hang on soap unit thing today and also found a lfs that sold us a clump of chaeto and also bellanavis gave us some live rock with a bunch of copepods on i busted up the live rock and put that in the soap unit with the chaeto and hopefully this equals happy mandarin!


sorry guys not trying to mess things up on this thread but i wanted a mandarin i have a 90 FOWLR could i put some cheato in my sump to keep reproducing pods or will that mess something up?


Active Member
yeah, i hope it works out. I'd keep an eye on your mandarin....make sure his belly look plump and not concave(so i've heard).