Live food for seahorses


I just got two seahorses, both of which seem healthy and all and eating. I can get them to eat brine shrimp but really not sure about mysis shrimp i always have to go to work when i put this in. I soak the brine in zoecon is this good enough for them and does any one know how to rear mysis shrip or oyher live food in the tank besides pods :help:


New Member
Are your ponies tank riased??
I feed mine frozen mysis twice a day. If you feed live you will have a hard time getting them to go back to frozen.


New Member
Try waiting untill you get home from work and feed. Then you can watch and see if they are eating. They need more than brine shrimp, that is why I suggested Mysis.
How do they look? They cannot go more than 2 days without eating, before they get to weak to eat at all. Good luck to you. I love my ponies. As soon as they see me come in they all come to the front of the tank to greet me. They are absolutely wonderful. I do not know if I can suggest a site. I am guessing a mod will take this off if it is not allowed, but go to, they have great information there.