live food


If your going to feed live try live brine shrimp. I feed nightcrawlers, mealworms and live brine shrimp. That's the only thing that are live that I feed my triggers, and lions never feeders.
sometimes lion fish dont eat food that isnt live though...right???
also i know its bad to feed fw feeders....but what about saltwater fish....


Ive had to entice my lion to eat live that's all he would eat. But after a month or two he started eating krill because I stopped feeding feeders. So if you get a lion feed krill, or live brine shrimp you cant go wrong. But i dont know about sw feeders.

john reed

Just curious. My LFS guy says that its possible to give your fish potentialing a disease from feeding them live brine. He even sells it in his store but he said thier is a chance. You guys haven't had any problems?


From my experience I never had any probs feeding live brine shrimp But I do know fw feeders will eventually kill your fish if fed to often.


Active Member
I converted some mollies to sw to try to entice my lion who was on hunger strike. Lion never went for them either and eventually died. Now we have a molly tank with a growing population. Making lots of babies. And my wife now loves the mollies and wouldn't consider them becoming food.
I'm guessing that if you farm sw fish and feed them a balanced diet then any other fish eating them would benefit from the meal.
Any reasons why that wouldn't work?


How did you convert Mollies to sw? I've heard they can live awhile in it but a full conversion? Just slow acclimation or how did you do it. Are they actually breeding now? Can you post a picture?


Active Member
This pic is of the skunk clowns but you can see a black molly in the back. I always do my acclimation with a plastic two cup measuring cup. Added the fish and squirt from a turkey baster with tank saltwater. Started with one cup of water and fish. When the measuring cup was full, poured out half and started over. I do this 3 times with a squirt every 10-15 minutes. The original mollies are still going strong 3-4 months later. They've had babies about ever 4-6 weeks and the babies of course have never known freshwater. Very active, great eaters and look cool being all black with a mated pair of orange skunk clowns.


Active Member
Mollies are considered brackish water fish that live on the margins between fresh and saltwater. Even in freshwater tanks they like a little salt in their water. I don't know about the long term effects of a constant salt water environment. I'm keeping salinity at about 1.020~1.021. I figure if they're breeding they must like it ok.


Active Member
I feed the prepackaged fry food. They seem to do ok with it and before you know it are eating flakes. I feed mostly Formula 2 for the mollies with some Formula 1 twice a week.


Active Member

Originally posted by bbronco
i have 3 mollys that i did the same thing too!!! they now live with my snowflake eel!!!

Not for long...;)


yea i think eel got one last night!!! thats what they are in there for!!! so if i forget to feed him he has a back up!!!
i have not hurd that guppys could live in sw?