Live Plants


I bought 2 groups of 5 Shaving Brush plants from this site. Are live plants recommended, or not? I haven't really seen anybody talk about them. What are positives and negatives to them? How do you set them up, randomly throughout the tank, or in a group in one section? Thanks.


Plants are very beneficial, espicially at reducing phosphates. Their success depends on what kind of life you have in your tank. Be wary of fish that eat plants, or you will be providing them with an expensive treat. Other than that they should be fine.


i know through my fresh water experiance the plants are very beneficial. The help rid of nitrates..and i guess phosphates as the previous post suggest. I noticed decreased algea buildup and overall improved health of my fish. As far as placement it really doesn't matter either way. However groups of plants can provide hideing places for smaller and or more timid fish. But yeah aslong as you keep the plants alive they are a very good thing. However if they die they can become a BIG problem. Naturaly the rotting of the vegetation can cause amonia levels to spike. Unless you quickly remove dead plants or leafs.