Live plants


I'm just curious.
Does anyone have live plants in your tank? I look at everybody's tank, and rarely see any.
I'm just curious to who else out there have them in their tank, and how they like or dislike them.
The problem that I have with them, is that they take over my LR with certain amount of rapidness. Who knew.


Active Member
Some do have macroalgae in their display tank, but many will use a refugium and stock the macro's there. They are then still part of the system, but are out of view.


Active Member
Most of us do not keep macros in the display tank for that very reason they take over. The one type of macro I like to see in a display tank is halimeda it is slow growing and easy to pull out if it gets too large, one drawback is that is uses calcium.
and ROLF, where is bob when a question like this comes up.


I havent seen him for awhile.
but yeah what they said above. macros are the main ones available and they grow extremely fast so a seperate tank to maintain them in a specific area that be controled.

nm reef

Active Member
I'm Bob...not "that" Bob...more like a pain in his neck!!;)
I prefer to keep macro algaes...and assorted pest algaes out of my display. They tend to quickly overrun a system if not kept under control. I do advocate the use of macro algaes in a refugium...great way to consume and export excess nutrients.In my display I do have Valonia and Brysopsis algaes that are becoming a plague!!! But they will be over come...eventually...I hope....:cool:
what about the shaving brush plants? they spred very fast and are they good for the tank in anyway? been thinking of getting a few.


Active Member
JOC, can plants in general be added when a tank is cycling, or does it need to finish cycling first?

nm reef

Active Member that is funny....but honestly we should avoid openly giving anybody that hard of a with regret I'm going to close this down.;)