live rock addition?

most of you know what is in my tank (puffer,clown trigger, yellow tang, and the tusk and the 3 blue damsels, but they problem is i only have about 25 lbs of LR, i know it isnt much for a 125 so i want to add more, is it ok or will it harm the fish? if i get cured rock, even if i get cured rock i am still gonna put it in the 20 gallon with the niger before i add it to the 125. what you guys think?
ok my lfs said they got some really neat stuff (expensive, he said it was from marshall islands, i guess thats it haha lol thanks man


Active Member
Dlight; Use the sniff test as I do. Cured live rock will not have any sharp smell as uncured will. I try to find interesting pieces with a better chance of getting a interesting creature or two with it.


Do you need more biological filtration. Are your ammonia or nitrite levels abnormal. Those lr rock recommendations of 1.5 to 2 pound per gallon refer to tanks that will have NO additional biological filtration.
If your current biological fitration system is meeting your needs then you do not need to add any additional lr.
it's a good idea to put it in the 20 gallon tank with your niger.See if everything does good, then later put it in the main tank.
a month ago i was at my lfs and they had this awesome peice of LR and they had the same peice when i went back so i got that and i was positive it was cured so i put it in my main tank, and everything is fine. the fish almost look happy, i made a little cave with it and the damsels love it.