Live Rock and Base Rock ?


I bought 3 Lbs. of LR and set it between some base rock that had no life at all. Now a just a few weeks later I noticed some purple on the Base rock. I moved the rock around and there is more purple on other rocks now. Can the live rock make other rock live that quick? I want to add some more live rock...........what kind of live rock should I buy? Your suggestions would be much appreciated.


Active Member
Purchase enough Live Sand (I'm preaching again) to create a 4" deep sand bed and then add your live rock on top to your liking without concern for help as a biofilter. Create an ecosystem that's nice to look at and great for your animals - let the live sand do the work.


Thanks Bruce........I do have about 3" LS and want to add more. Any suggestions? The lfs has live sand in 25lb. bags..........would this work?