Live rock and NH3


New Member
I need some help....again. I made some DIY rock. I have had it in water to cure for 1.5 - 2 mths. Yesterday I put it in my 55. everything seemed fine until this am. My coral beauty was floating(swimming) sideways and sometimes upside down. I ran tests and ammonia was 0.3. I checked before adding the rock and it was 0. Can anyone give me ideas on why this spike happened?
BTW I checked the pH on the water with the rocks for 2 weeks it was around 8 so I figured it was ready to go. Should I take some of it out and cure a little longer?
I did a 10% water change and beauty looks a little better but I think NH3 is still too high. Will do another change this afternoon.


Active Member
if possible take the beauty out and put him in another tank.. when you cured your diy rock did you cure them in saltwater for the last 2 weeks?? cuzz they spike the water when they are fisrt introduced into saltwater.


New Member
I did not know about that part. Is there any way to fix the problem? I have no ther tank to put the beauty in.


Active Member
take the rock out and do some water changes.. .. 'cure' the rock in some saltwater.. ( the wc water would be ok for now) test the cureing rock till lvls are good.. then you can reintroduce the diy rock ...