Live Rock aquarium cycling


New Member
I have a 125 that I am cycling with 100 pounds of live rock. The rock was shipped to me on Thursday from Florida to WV and I received Saturday afternoon. I cleaned with squirt bottle and rinsed before putting in my empty tank,empty except for 1.025 saltwater of course. It is Tuesday now and Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate are all at the top of the test kits. I am only using a sponge filter and a 800 gph pump along with a couple of powerheads. Am I ok here or should I have skimmer on now? Water Change?
Thanks. I just don't want to ruin 100 pounds of rock.


Active Member
It's not likely that you'll ruin the rock. I don't know what the top your kit's range is, but live rock can take a good bit.
I'd run the skimmer. It would seem to me that you've got lots of DOCs from the rocks rotting down in your water, the skimmer will help remove that.


Active Member
Personally I would do a water change. It will slow your cycle down but the patience will pay off. There are likely some great inhabitants in the live rock that will survive better if you don't really let your ammonia get that high during the cycle. That's jmo, but the more "critters" you have surviving the cycle the better biological filtration you'll have in the end, which is one of the great benefits of starting with actual live rock over doing all base rock and using a raw shrimp to kick off the cycle.


Active Member
I personally would do a water change also. With amm. that high you will be killing off lots of critters.


Active Member
Good start. Wait a day or 2 and recheck. You could also opt to use one of the ammonia locking chemicals. This should not mess with you cycle, just make the amm. not as toxic.


Active Member
I'd also say that with 8ppm a water change is in order. I was figuring you had more like 2ppm.
I'd still run your skimmer though.