Live Rock arrival


Woops!! I was doing so good being patient too...
I ordered about 75 lbs of LR from SWF - YAY!!!!!!!!!!
I ordered equipment to begin curing my LR. not as exciting, but still YAY!!!!!!!!!
I think my LR should get here before my RO purifier, powerheads, heater and test kit....oops :(
Any solution to keeping the rock as alive as possible for the possible day or two that I'll be without heated, moving RO water?
I can pick up a small test kit and salt from the LFS but really don't want to buy another heater and powerhead if I don't have to. DEFINATELY don't want to pay for another RO purifier!!
What about just a few gallons of distilled water to keep the rock covered for the lag time
my first
of many:)


Active Member
The large pet store chain has 5 gallon boxes of natural salt water for about $11.00. This a cheap heater and a small powerhead in a tupperware container will keep your rock alive until you get your stuff.


Active Member
I understand that you have stuff on order. Did you order a heater and powerhead for mixing saltwater? You will need them once your tank cycles for your water changes.
So go to Wally World or similar and buy a el-cheapo heater, el-cheapo powerhead and a 20g or so rubbermaid container. Buy 4-8g of RO water and mix up salt water. Put the heater, ph and saltwater and beging curing your rock.
Once the rock is cured, all of that stuff can be used for water changes.
So you won't be wasting anything.


megan please tell me what rock you ordered. I am looking to purchase lr and would love to do it online if it is good rock. Tell me what you think when it gets in or post a couple of pics thanks


I would just do as suggested above and get an extra heater and power head. You will probably need them anyways. Most of us have lots of extra equipment floating around, it I can almost guarantee that they will get used somewhere along the line.


Duh!! I should have thought about all the ways I'm sure I'll need the extra equip. I panicked a bit when I saw the arrival dates.

I will post pics as soon as it's in the tank. If you really want to see pictures of it in a rubermaid I'll put those up too :)
Keep in mind that I don't have an aquarium...I have a 125 gal empty glass box. I'm planning on it being a few weeks (at least!) until I can get my rock in there. I'll can post pics of me sitting on my hands!!


pics of the rock in a rubbermaid would be fine I just want to see the size and see what kind of color it has. thanks


Rock will be here Wednesday!!

I'll have pics up as soon as it's out of to box.
Cross your fingers I don't get a speeding ticket on the way home from work! That would seriously set my fish budget back...