Live Rock Cleaning Process?


My brother is coming back from Brazil and hes bringing lr wit im.
I wanted to know how to clean it? Like what is the cleaning process for people who do it at home. Would any one have any ideas?


is he packing the LR in water or just wet.. or dry... need more info, also is it from the water, did he culture it himself, did he buy it ect... :)


you could call it fresh from the coast. Most likely in a bucket wit wet news paper sent over by UPS.


try dipping it in water that has about 10 times the amount of salt that regular saltwater should have, should kill any hitchhikers and whatnot

nm reef

Active Member
"try dipping it in water that has about 10 times the amount of salt that regular saltwater should have, should kill any hitchhikers and whatnot"
Yup...and nearly every life form in/on the rock will also die....not something I'd do!!!
Basically cure your LR the same as any other LR is cured. If you are putting it in a newly set up display with no livestock and not cycled then use the LR to initiate the cycle. If your display is established then cure the LR in a seperate container...:thinking:


Yup...and nearly every life form in/on the rock will also die....not something I'd do!!!
Yeah, I agree... I dont understand what people are thinking of when they do that... salt is bad, esspecially when you get to much of it at once, the same concept applys to marine life as well!!!!
NM how many years of experience do you have in this hobby, its really wierd, well not so much, that I agree with virtually everything you type or say!
just wondering
Also, you can make a big bucket of 1.025 saltwater and "swish" the rocks in the bucket with you hands for several seconds to get all the "dirt" off... this helps your tank and the curring process as well!!!