live rock/color survey


I was wondering, I have fuji live rock and I primary get green coralline algae growth on the rocks. My friend has fuji live rock and he primarily gets red coralline algae growth.
What type of live rocks do you have and what colors do you seem to primarily get to grow on those rocks. And is their ways to seed or feed the live rock to get others colors to take off.


Mostly purple and red with some green. According to where I purchased it, it was also Fiji except for one pc. that I'm not sure of. I'll see if I have any pics.


I have lots of white spots:)
mostly on my fiji rock there is purple and red. I am starting to see some green but don't know if its good or not. I have heard that aragamilk will help with growth of corraline algae.:notsure:


I find kent coral acel works good. All it is is vitamins and food to give the coralline algae what it needs to grow. That and a clear path to the light. I am trying to cross propogate the red from my friends tank to mine. And the green from mine to his by exchanging shells that the coralline algae has latched on to. Will see how well if it works in a few weeks. If someone wants the green leave my a post I have it well propogated on some clam shells similiar to the the ones below.


On my Fiji, I get red and purples. On my Tonga, it had orange, but not its red and purple, and green. I got some LR from Hawaii and so far its just been green.
In my native tank, I have gotten a lot of dark reds and purples. Native being the northwestern Gulf of Mexico.