Live Rock Critter


There's a small "animal" on my glass that came from my live rock. It's maroon to brown in color and seems to have very small tentacles, but not an abundance of them, maybe 6-10. He's only about 1/2" in diameter. I wanted to find out if this is anything typical and if anyonw knew what it might be.


From doing some research, I'm afraid it might be an aptasia anemone, would one of these emerge during the cycle? I guess I should remove it if possible. My nitrites are still up, so I can't really put in peppermint shrimp which sounds like the best option. Do they eat anemones that aren't in the rock but on the glass?


Active Member
I noticed aptasia for the first time in my reef a couple of weeks ago and ran right out to get a peppermint shrimp. Saw him running all over the tank the first day and then it vanished. I hunted all over for it, I even used a flash light to look in caves and couldn't find it. Three days later I noticed the aptasia was gone. Hmmmm.... Looked around again for the peppermint and found it! Anyway, I'd say if a peppermint shrimp can get at the aptasia it will indeed take care of it for you. If you just have the one and it's on the glass, grab it with a pair of tweezers and be done with it. HTH


How tough are Peppermint Shrimp? Could I put one in towards the end of my cycle, or does it need to be an established tank?


Active Member
As far as shrimp go, they are pretty hardy. But the aiptasia's aren't going to overrun your tank in even 3 months time so you can wait.
also there are other methods of eradication such as kalkwasser injection, or HOT FW injection, VERY salty ( sg over 1.30) injection to name a few.


I'm pretty sure it was aptasia, but it was still on the glass near the top last night. I took a plastic spoon and scooped him right out. I assume there's still a good chance that there are more in there, but my tank seems to be cycling quickly.
Along those lines, I have a cycling question. My ammonia is way down, and my nitrites seem to be retreating as well. However, my nitrate readings seem to be decreasing as well. Depending on the type of test I do, I seem to get different nitrate readings. Do nitrates naturally decrease at any time, I though you had to take action to get them down. I just wanted to see if this was normal. Hopefully i'll be done a little earlier than I thought.


Why exactly is the anemone so bad? I'm asking this simply because you guys seem really determined to get rid of it. (just a question not be smart :) )


I am by no means an authority, but if you search for Aptasia Anemone on this site, you will find a lot of discussion about the animals. they live in rock or on the glass and will pretty much infest a tank. I think they will cause death to some of your desired animals as well. Most people seem to be pretty alarmist about these animals.