Live rock curing question


New Member
I recently purchased my first tank with the intention of making it a reef and fish tank. I set everything up and added the water on April 11. I let the tank run and on April 17 I added the live rock. It has been running for 5 days now. The problem that I am having is I am getting algae growth in the tank. I know that the curing process will take time which is fine. I want to do things right in the beginning so my new tank and I will benefit in the long run. My question is, should I leave it be and let the tank cycle, add any algae control product, or start over and cure the rock differently. When I received the rock I scrubbed it with a toothbrush and rinsed it out in two buckets of saltwater from the tank that it has been placed in. I also removed any dead or decaying plants/animals that I could see.
90 Gallon tank
Protein skimmer
3 power heads
45 lbs of Live rock
Here are some pictures if it would help


OK, so the pic that comes with that link is not a tank that's only 5 days old, lol!
As far as your algae, do NOT add any kind of chemicals to reduce it. You can do a water change if it's the diatoms, if it's green hair algae, you can turn off your lights.
But the trites and trates will cause algae either way.


Have you been testing your ammonia and nitrite? Where are you in the cycle? Algae is normal. What kind do you have? Definately do not add any algae removing product to the tank. Post your water readings for us.


New Member
You’re right it’s definitely not my tank, I wish it was. I have the lights turned off and the room is pitch black all day long. I have to admit that I did have the lights on during the first few days. I’m not familiar with the different kinds of algae but to describe it, it’s like a film that is starting to cover everything. I first noticed it when I was moving a power head and the power cord was covered in it. You can’t really see unless you are looking for it. Yesterday I did a 10% water change while I vacuumed the debris at the bottom of the tank.


Originally Posted by jrod005
You’re right it’s definitely not my tank, I wish it was. I have the lights turned off and the room is pitch black all day long. I have to admit that I did have the lights on during the first few days. I’m not familiar with the different kinds of algae but to describe it, it’s like a film that is starting to cover everything. I first noticed it when I was moving a power head and the power cord was covered in it. You can’t really see unless you are looking for it. Yesterday I did a 10% water change while I vacuumed the debris at the bottom of the tank.
It is not neccessary to have the room and tank pitch black. Is the algae brown? If so those are diatoms which are normal. What kind of water did you use to set up the tank? Tap or RO/DI? Please check your water readings and post them.


New Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Have you been testing your ammonia and nitrite? Where are you in the cycle? Algae is normal. What kind do you have? Definately do not add any algae removing product to the tank. Post your water readings for us.
I haven't test the water for anything other than the salinity, which has been fine from day one. The rock has been cycling for 5 days now and the tank has been running for 12 days. I am going to get a test kit later today.


Originally Posted by jrod005
I haven't test the water for anything other than the salinity, which has been fine from day one. The rock has been cycling for 5 days now and the tank has been running for 12 days. I am going to get a test kit later today.
Be sure to get a liquid master one that tests for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and PH. These are all very important and will tell you how far along your cycle is.


New Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
It is not neccessary to have the room and tank pitch black. Is the algae brown? If so those are diatoms which are normal. What kind of water did you use to set up the tank? Tap or RO/DI? Please check your water readings and post them.
The algae is more colorless/white. It may have brownish green tint to it. I used tap water because my LFS told me that it would be fine to use it. They sell water that they make through RO and I thought about using that but they sell it for $1 a gallon. They did tell me that tap water would produce more algae and would give me a red coralline algae that is good and when the tank is ready a "cleanup crew would take care of the rest.


Tap water will not give you red coraline. It can give your tank red slime algae called caynobacteria which feeds off of phosphates commonly found in tap. Most grocery stores sell RO water for roughly .25/gallon in the Culligan machines at the front of the store.


New Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Tap water will not give you red coraline. It can give your tank red slime algae called caynobacteria which feeds off of phosphates commonly found in tap. Most grocery stores sell RO water for roughly .25/gallon in the Culligan machines at the front of the store.
Should I empty the tank and start over? The water at the LFS is saltwater.


Originally Posted by jrod005
Should I empty the tank and start over? The water at the LFS is saltwater.
No, you don't have to. After the tank cycles you will need to do a water change or two anyway. Just use RO water from now on. You may want to price your own RO/DI unit. It will pay for itself rather quickly.


New Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
No, you don't have to. After the tank cycles you will need to do a water change or two anyway. Just use RO water from now on. You may want to price your own RO/DI unit. It will pay for itself rather quickly.
I have thought about using the water from the LFS to do the water changes from now on. I was thinking of doing a 50% water change later this week with their water.
I don't know what I would need for a complete RO unit SWF has one, is that all that I would need