live rock # for 29


how much live rock should i get for my 29 gal?
some people have said 1-1.5 # per gallon, others have said two. so, i'm a bit confused..
also, i was going to do LS ...
how much of that would i need
someone said i could mix with argonite so it would be cheaper...
:confused: help!!:confused:
also, ive asked this before but didnt get any... so if anyone has a 29 gall please post pictures!!


for my 20 gallon that I just started I used 1.5 50 pound bags of southdown. Here is a pic. It is a lot cheaper, each bag cost me $5. The sand be is pretty deep.


also in that tank is 32 #'s of live rock. Just incase you wanted to kinda get a feel of what it may look like.


how much did that cost you dcel? (for the LR?) ... i like the way you have it set up :)
the LR is so expensive, that i wasnt going to use it, but i figure if im getting into this, i'm going to want it later so i might as well get it now..
should i buy it off this website or do you think i could get it cheaper at my LFS (actually, i dont think ive even seen it there.. but maybe i wasnt looking hard enough)


I found it at a message board that is set up for people in my state. I would suggest searching for something like that for yourself. I found a few offers of $4 and $3 a pound. I just went for the closest $3 deal and the guy didn't want to weigh the rock and just gave me a flat rate. I bought 32 #'s for $60. I feel that I got a really good deal and some nice rock. I am a newbie also, (just set up that tank last weekend) and am just a college student trying to cut some costs. I would say to buy 15 pounds of LR and 20 pounds of base rock. Or some other combination like that. Anyway from reading on this site I have learned that you can make rock that has no life on it (base rock) turn into live rock when placed with live rock. I have only seen one price for base rock and it was $2 a pound, that was at a LFS whose LR was $10 a pound. It seems like the thing to do is if you know you are going to upgrade, as many people do, just throw in some base rock and let it become live. That way you could start with 15 pounds or so and end up with about 40 or so. I don't know if I am right but it might be a good choice to buy rock off of a person, I just say this because a lot of the LFS LR that I have seen does not seem to have a life on it. Anyway I am just a newbie myself and am just trying to share what I have learned, if I am wrong I am sure someone will correct me.


i don't want to advise against buying it from here. Personally myself I would look to find a good deal locally, just because of price. But I say get it now.


also you might want to look into aragocrete if you want some cheap rock. Do some searches on this site and you will find a lot of info


well in the 30 i helped my mom setup i use 45lbs of lr and did a 4" dsb (don't remember how many lbs that is)...
if you live on the east coast you can try to get some southdown playsand for like $4 a bag (50lbs) at home depot and then just add a little ls to that to seed it...