Live Rock for sale in WI


New Member
Hello all! I am (sadly) getting out of the saltwater hobby for now. I have two kids (1 1/2y and 7 months) that take up pretty much all my time... and we are planning on another in the near future. I hate to see my tank get neglected so I am selling off my live rock and my few livestock for now. I have about 45-50 lbs of liverock that I will sell for $110. I also have a pair of clown fish (percula to my best knowledge) that I will sell for $10 and a sally light foot crab.. if I can find him;) .. for $5. I am not looking to make a profit that is why everything is cheap.. I just want to see this stuff taken care of! I live in the West Bend area and will be willing to meet somewhere to drop off stuff, I don't plan on shipping as I have no idea how to ship live things. I can email pictures if you like. Thanks so much!!


interested in the rock....does it have the coraline algae. how long was it in your tank? do you have any pics? email is cpetty1 at gmail
ps where exactly is jackson ? im bout 30 minutes south of Rockford IL


New Member
It has been in the tank for a little over 3 years.. it does have a good amount of coraline on it. I will take some pics this afternoon and send them to you. I am about 20- 30 min north of Milwaukee. Thanks!


oke doke sounds good...would you be willing to meet somewhere in between? im trying to think how i would transport it as im at school and i only have my mustang up here think a couple of tubs would be enough to carry it in?


New Member
I sent you the pics.. hope it works. The rock, with some water, fits in two tubs. I could supply the tubs if you end up buying.. as I have some from when we moved the tank to this house. I am sure we could meet you somewhere.. I would have to talk over the details with my husband though.. cause I will need his help carrying the rock!! Let me know what you think when you look at the pics. Thanks!


New Member
Hi! I'm in Madison. Do you have any sand? I'm going to be starting up a 2-3gal nano so I don't need very much. Thanks :)


New Member
46cobraguy :The green stuff is some algae.. easily taken care of by crabs/snails/or certain fish. The rock is normally clean but I put some new, stronger lights in there and it caused some algae to grow.
grzy: I have had the clowns for about three years now. I will take some pics and send them to you.


you said you are getting out of the hobby for now due to kids. were you looking to sell any equipment or your tank? I live in Milwaukee and am looking equipment/tanks. Also, if you still have livestock available the week of the 23rd i am interested. (I'll be out of town until then)


New Member
Right now every thing is still up for sale.. If you would take everything (rock tank, fish, etc.) we could work out a fair price. Thanks for the interest!


New Member
yep its a 55 gallon. No it is a very simple set up w/ canister filter, a really good starter tank for some one or a great addition to a larger tank:)


live in WB too.... you sell that rock yet? i am interested and can buy tomorrow or tuesday (4/30-5/1/7)