live rock for sale or trade


i am looking to get ride of some of the live rock in my 90 gal reef all the rock has been in my tanks for over 2 1/2 years some dose not have much color because was on the bottom of the tank bust most of it is covered in feather dusters. if you are interested in it let me know and how much you want will get pics up soon
thanks zona


Hey what are you looking in trades , I have coral frags looking for about 50#
Cabbage Leather
green star Polyps
Pink Palythoas frag 3 polys
Yellow Polyps on small rock
Neon Green Dragon Eye Zoanthids
Orange Dragon Eye Zoanthids
Eagle Eye Zoanthid frags
yellow/Green Star Polyps
Ricordia Neon green Yuma
Neon green Sinularia
Have 3-Kenya Tree small