Live rock from LFS

my way

Active Member
Almost every LFS I have been to sells LR that looks like they took dry rock and dropped into a tank. It usually shows no sign of life at all and it's $6 a lb. My only experience is buying from a pet store that let me meet them on the road on their way back from the airport when they picked up their shipment( I do wish they were still in business). Has anybody bought LR from their local supplier that looks like base? If so did it ever grow much of anything? I recently bought some for my fuge that a guy had curing in a plastic pond in his garage, but I don't think it had any heater in it. It seems to have some life to it not a lot, my pod population has increased a lot since I put in the fuge. If you are buying it for filtration only does it need to be kept at tropical temperature? My instincts say yes, what are your thoughts? Next Time I think I'll try some from SWF.


Active Member
That rock is probably not even stuff from the ocean.. but rather some huge tub of saltwater laying in some dudes garage for a couple months. I've seen rock like what you're saying you've seen. No living things, no coralline even.. 6-7 dollars per lb! A local store around here gets a lot directly from the ocean and the rock has tons of stuff growing and thriving on it. I never had to buy any blue leg hermits cause the rock had TONS that hitchhiked their way into my tank. Lots of urchines/crabs/cucumbers/feather dusters/christmas tree worms/macroalgae/ etc etc... you just gotta find the right supplier if you want rock with tons of life.
Live rock means that the rock has bacteria on it... thats what you're buying.. live rock doesnt mean you're gonna get tons of crabs and etc on it.
I've purchased fiji from a well known online source.. and it was completely horrible.. barely any color on the rocks and NO extra little living creatures came in on it.. I was very disappointed at the rock I purchased... but a buddy of mine ordered fiji from a different somewhat well known online source and he got some GREAT pieces of rock...
I guess what im trying to say is.... sometimes you gotta shop around.


Active Member
well i just got my rock from premium aquatics (there warehouse is here localy and they have beatiful stuff and great lr, i bout 45 pounds and its great. will needx to cure though and shipping prices are beyound me, btw it was 3.50 per pound


Speg, does that Floriday store have a website? I'm getting ready to purchase some LR but it's kind of overwhelming how much is out there, it seems like I'll most likely pick the wrong one. Some personal experience like yours would help. My LFS's cured stock is pretty blahsay and they certainly don't have enough, not to mention the price!!! Thanks... :help: