Live Rock from


What do you suggest you do to the live rock you recieve from SWF before you put it into your tank. I've got a new Tank with just the saltwater in it and the coral crushed rock in bottom. I also have an filter hanging on back with the underground filter also. What should I do to the Live Rock before I put it into my tank. Also I have no fish yet, I want to get the rocks into place first. Also Temp. is set right to. :help: :help:


Active Member
If there is nothng else in the tank, use the rock to cycle. Arrange it to your satisfaction, keep your filters running and monitor water parameters. There will be die off, which will initiate the cycle. It may have an unsavory odor, depending on the amount of rock/die-off, but this dissipates.


Active Member
I bought live rock from here and love it. All you need to do is stick it in your tank. Mine had very little die-off and the highest my ammonia spiked is .50
Good Luck and Welcome to the Message Boards!!


Originally Posted by shogun323
I bought live rock from here and love it. All you need to do is stick it in your tank. Mine had very little die-off and the highest my ammonia spiked is .50
Good Luck and Welcome to the Message Boards!!

Mine was also the same. Whenn I added mins I had to take some water out, so I put the rock in a rubbermaid tub and poured the water I took out of my tank over it to slightly rinse it before it went in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by allyric
What do you suggest you do to the live rock you recieve from SWF before you put it into your tank. I've got a new Tank with just the saltwater in it and the coral crushed rock in bottom. I also have an filter hanging on back with the underground filter also. What should I do to the Live Rock before I put it into my tank. Also I have no fish yet, I want to get the rocks into place first. Also Temp. is set right to. :help: :help:
Welcome to the boards! You're going to want to get rid of the crushed coral and replace it with sandlive sand. Also dump the undergravel filter as they can be nitrate factories. Your live rock and a few powerheads should be all the filtration that you will need.


This is only an opinion BUT: Throw that under ground/gravel filter out the window, toss the crushed coral out next, add sand/live sand and then the live rock when it gets there. Ditto the above I guess.


you may want to consider switching from crushed coral to live sand before you start to cycle your tank. I know i wish i had.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards.
I agree with the above posts... ditch the UG filter and CC.
To prepare live rock for your tank, get a clean plastic tub or bucket and fill it with salt water. When you get your rock, use a NEW toothbrush to scrub it good (to remove dead stuff), then place it in your tank.
Be sure to place rock all the way to the bottom of your tank. Burrowers can/will cause your rock to shift if they can get under it between your tank bottom and rock.


agreed with the above but you can't just have that and a powerhead sorry unless its a nano that u plan to do water changes on all the time. U'll need a sump with a protien skimmer or something.
If you want help shopping let me know I can walk you through options


I agree with dumping the UG filter.. speaking from experience, many years ago, I used a UG. Worked great for alittle while, then nitrates went through the roof and I constantly had outbreaks of the infamous hair algae.. Now on all the tanks I set up, I use 4 inch sand bed, live rock, protein skimmer and powerheads for water movement.