Live Rock from


Active Member
Curious to how nice this rock is? I'm looking forward to setting up a 135g tank probably early next year. I'd like to buy over a 100 pounds up front, and has a nice rate on the figi lr.
Is it nice shapes? Not giant boulders? Just curious. It's always worrisome when you're buying something you can't see. But could really save me some money over purchasing lr for 7.99 per pound at the lfs.
Any descriptions would be great if anyone has purchased some of this.
Any bad stories... good stories?


Active Member
Very good rock. My rock arrived a day early and was outside for most of the day in the florida heat. The box was saturated and falling apart. I was not happy with that but am very happy with my rock. Good mix of big, med, and small rocks. lots of pictures.
We bought our rock from someone on was approx. 110lbs. for $165.00. it was a great deal. The guy was giving up the hobby and busting down his tank...if you search around your find a great deal in your area. I would be very hesitent to purchase Live rock without seeing it... but that is just me


Active Member
i purchased my first rock from this site. real nice pieces. if i needed more i would definitely buy from them again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Very good rock. My rock arrived a day early and was outside for most of the day in the florida heat. The box was saturated and falling apart. I was not happy with that but am very happy with my rock. Good mix of big, med, and small rocks. lots of pictures.
I'm really loving your thread! I'm about 3 pages into it, and it's real interesting!
Setting up a new tank kind of gives me the "little boy with a new toy" feeling.
I haven't really decided what I want to do with my 46g... it's just a beautiful tank and set up. I can't wait until next year though when I get into a bigger reef tank!
Keep the rock comments coming. So far so good!


Active Member
Originally Posted by FranktheTank
I'm really loving your thread! I'm about 3 pages into it, and it's real interesting!
Setting up a new tank kind of gives me the "little boy with a new toy" feeling.
I haven't really decided what I want to do with my 46g... it's just a beautiful tank and set up. I can't wait until next year though when I get into a bigger reef tank!
Keep the rock comments coming. So far so good!
Glad I could help.


I ordered from, I got the big lot and it arrived on time, most of the rock were great but three of them were the manmade round donut looking rocks. The funny thing is that they are growing coraline algae faster than the natural rock! The rock was very clean and well cured I didn't get any hitch hikers that I could find.